
What makes Eastridge legal, something unique. It's that we are specialized in legal staffing. We have business development representative that is specifically only to the legal industry, and knows the nuances between getting a contract signed to initially having the conversation about using our services. I myself am specialized in legal recruiting. My whole team is as well to, and I come with a few years of legal experience behind the staffing experience. My counterpart, who has been here at Eastridge for over 20 years in our legal division, actually teaches a paralegal program, and we also have a recruiter on our team that is a trained attorney. So we definitely have a deep understanding of the legal industry. We are specialized or legal staff in. And sometimes you might come across as a staffing company that promotes that they do legal staffing, but that's maybe just a portion of the desk that a recruiter handles. When you work with East Ridge Legal, we are specialized in the industry. We are well known in our community, and we have experiences and success stories to back that up. [00:00:00][0.0]



The Eastridge Legal team understands the unique challenges associated with the legal community.  Our legal recruiting specialists have decades of experience working with clients.  We take a hands-on approach, tailoring searches that go beyond job description to finding candidates that find with the culture and vision of the firms and departments we serve.  Learn more about our Eastridge Expertise in Legal Staffing.